by David Morrison
Epiphany 2025
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 2:9b-11
“…behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
In this consumer age, the glitter of what’s perceived to be “spectacular” and “high tech” constantly assails our senses for the attention of our hearts. Even among Christians, “revelation” is connected to something colossal, having world-wide prominence. However, this is simply using the gospel to mask over the compulsion to be seen as important and relevant individuals. In the epiphany of Jesus Christ, we see just the opposite. If the visitation of the magi to the Christ child teaches us anything, it’s that it takes a measure of foolishness to be genuine seekers and worshipers of God. After their astrological prognostication and perilous journey, they arrive at the house of a poor and seemingly insignificant Jewish family and proceed to prostrate themselves in front of a drooling toddler, presenting him with kingly gifts. It’s almost a comical scene. Was it their “magical” powers that enabled them to see the savior of the cosmos inside of a little child? Or was it their willingness to be absurd worshipers, as it were, and give honor to the ordinary, the common, and the inconsequential? We’re taught to despise our own human-ness, yet we desire the light of God’s divinity. The paradox, however, is that we can only experience the presence of God by first coming to our own humanity.
Light from Light
(from Liturgy of the Hours)
Today our Savior was adored by the Magi.
Let us also worship him with joy as we pray:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.
Christ, you revealed yourself in the flesh,
– sanctify us through prayer and the word of God:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.
Christ, your witness was the Spirit,
– free our lives from the spirit of doubt:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.
Christ, you revealed yourself to the angels,
– help us to feel the joy of heaven on earth:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.
Christ, you were proclaimed to the nations,
– by the power of the Holy Spirit open the hearts of all:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.
Christ, you generated faith in the world,
– renew the faith of all believers:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.
Christ, you were taken up in glory,
-enkindle in us a longing for your kingdom:
Light from Light, shine on us this day.

Casa de la Estrella (created with WOMBO Dream by David Morrison).