“Jesus is the divine touch of God embracing all humanity. This touch heals us of self-hatred and its counterpart, self-absorption.”

“Jesus is the divine touch of God embracing all humanity. This touch heals us of self-hatred and its counterpart, self-absorption.”
“When we are able to risk being vulnerable to someone who is holding a nonjudgmental presence, they can “witness” us with the eye of compassion, and real healing is possible.”
“The Gospel invites us to ask a daring question of ourselves in the presence of prayer: ‘Am I willing to take on a new disruption in my life in order for a new creative way of living to emerge?'”
“As we learn how to become aware of the Holy Spirit’s primary work in us at the heart of every moment, we see Gods’ presence illuminating through everything we experience and everyone we meet.”
“We are not isolated individuals existing in sequestered cells. Rather, we are the sum of all our relationships.”
“If the visitation of the magi to the Christ child teaches us anything, it’s that it takes a measure of foolishness to be genuine seekers and worshipers of God…”
“Since the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has actively renewed the church throughout the ages with fresh revelations of the nature of God the Father and the love of Jesus, His Son.”
“And so the paradox of desiring a “holy heart” is to have “holes in the heart.” The blows of disappointments, suffering, failures, and rejections in everyday life break open jagged holes in our hearts.”
“I hope to slowly be stripped of my load as I grow old and older: until I am nothing, and then perhaps Christ can become everything…”
Dorian and David discuss the themes that run through the liturgical time called Epiphany.