Dorian and David discuss themes in the Advent season to form a spirituality out of uncertainty and the spirit of waiting.

Dorian and David discuss themes in the Advent season to form a spirituality out of uncertainty and the spirit of waiting.
“…Love cannot and will never calculate losses and profits, or any pragmatic transaction. Love is far beyond commerce and rationality. It is a magnifying lens over the heart (as Mary proclaims: ‘My heart magnifies the Lord’) through which other hearts are caught on fire when we consent to the incarnation of Christ through our own lives.”
“When you come face to face with all that’s unknown and unseen; instead of making a stand against it (out of fear); may you find the grace to fall furiously into faith, hope, and love…”
“As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way. A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.'”
A Winter Blessing….
“Christ awakens as the Beloved in every last part of our body…”
“When we walk in the uncertainty of night…”
“John proclaimed the coming of a new reality which was already breaking in—the ‘Realm of Heaven.’ In John’s gospel, Jesus referred to it as “eternal life.” Paul called it ‘the New Creation,’ while John the Revelator saw it as the ‘New Earth.’”
“Awakened Hearts, Opened Eyes, and Illuminated Hearts”
“May it be done to me, according to your word…”