“Kingdomtide invites us to allow that inner courage to become activated in our world today: seeking justice for the oppressed, reconciliation of races and cultures, and speaking truth to power…”
Category Archives: Seasons of God
Living the Liturgy
In this season, we contemplate the Holy Spirit’s invitation to make us His disciples. It is He who not only fills us with power for the sake of proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom, but it is also He who engages us with the divine and intimate conversation between the Father and the Son.
When the Doors Are Locked
The group of disciples had to discern, for the rest of their lives, what it meant for them to be a community of the Risen Lord. In our encounter, in the “blessing that comes from not seeing,” we must do the same.
May we have eyes to see the renewal of all things breaking into our world today. May we have the courage to follow Jesus in his risen life. May we experience an Easter Season of the soul!
Easter (“Pasch”) Season
“In the Scriptures, when people experienced an encounter with God (a vision), they were left with a divine commission (a command). This resulted in a change of life that made an impact on the surrounding community-a mission. “
An Anti-Triumphal Entry
“If you’ve grown up in North American culture, you have been trained all your life to expect Jesus to make your life a “triumphal entry” into the “winner’s circle.” The reality of love calls us to follow Jesus into the same great humility. We can NEVER experience the resurrection unless we’ve died.”