Category Archives: News
A Trembling and a Fascination
“When you come face to face with all that’s unknown and unseen; instead of making a stand against it (out of fear); may you find the grace to fall furiously into faith, hope, and love.”
The book is here! Order your copy here:
Walking Through Walls of Fire
A weeping sunset over a land that is burning. #Uvalde #Buffalo #New Mexico fires
Upcoming Book!
We’re excited to announce a community-driven, creative endeavor: A book (hopefully the first of a series) of Haiku verses and photos that celebrate the landscape and spirituality of the Chihuahuan Desert. Any support would be deeply appreciated. Sharing the link to the Kickstarter on social media would be an even bigger help. Thank you! Check it out here:
Upcoming Book of Desert Haiku
An opportunity to support a creative endeavor: a book of photos and haiku around the the imagery and themes of the desert by David Morrison. We appreciate your contribution!
The Road to Desert Rain: Abby Carl-Klassen
Dorian sits down with Abby to discuss her story and evolving spirituality and how she became a writer and immigration activist.