Category Archives: Intercessions

The Gift of Tears
“Choose the way of the yucca…”

An Advent Prayer
“Let us live in the beauty of your incarnation.”

Prayer for Aleppo
“The war here has been going on for more than four years. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled, and thousands more are dead, including many of my friends. My wife and I are among about 250,000 people trapped here in the besieged eastern section of the city. ” -Aleppo resident, Omair Shaaban

A Prayer for Enfolding and Emitting
Holy Spirit, enfold me into yourself

Prayer for the Mourning
In the aftermath of the tragedy in Orlando, we offer our prayers and set our hearts to work for peace:
We hold space in solidarity with the community of Charleston, and especially the congregation of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Us Around
-A prayer offered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Almighty God, Thou has called us to walk for freedom, even as Thou did the Children of Israel. We pray, dear God, as we go through a wilderness of State Troopers that Thou will hold our hand. We pray, dear God, as we must go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, that Thou will go with us and strengthen us for the task. Keep us strong. Keep us calm. Help us to love our enemy. And above all, keep the fires of freedom burning in our hearts, so that no matter what happens, ain’t gonna let nobody turn us around. Because Thou, dear God, has sent us into this place. Thou has sent us to fight, not just for ourselves, but to fight for this nation so that democracy might exist here for the whole world. Keep this vision in our hearts, and may we one day wake up and find the state of Alabama, where all men might vote, where all children might get a decent education, where every man and woman might have a job according to his (or her) abilities, and where every man and woman might live together as brothers, and violence and bloodshed and hatred and prejudice shall be no more. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”

In this Season of Joy, Let’s Remember:
Lord, comfort those who cannot be comforted.

In Unitive Silence
“The one desire of God is to be held: held deep in the center of all being beneath all motives where understandings are drown out by the gurgles of an infantile creation, fully rested in its baby-ness.”