Category Archives: Desert Diaries
Prayers dissolve into light
Desert Haiku
Trust, Not Certitude
Insecurity makes certitude attractive, and it is in times like these that I want to harness God to my preferred scheme of things
Empty Space and Presence
The Caller and the Called
Remember God so much that you are forgotten.
Let the caller and the called disappear.
Be lost in the call
Morning Reflection
When the sun breaches the eastern horizon in the morning, a window of light appears on the western wall of our little chapel.
Contemplating Trees
“Some people never see a tree until they’re ready to saw it down, and they never see anything in themselves except a commodity to be used.” -Thomas Merton
The Blessing Way of Summer
For the fragrance of desert rain, / For children splashing in laughter, and for the locked glance of mystery shared between two lovers– / We thank you, Lord of all life, for the promises you have hidden in the heart of all creation…”