I've lived here at the community with Marsha, my wife, since its founding in 2003. I serve in various ways from pastoral care to landscape maintenance; from coffee brewing to bar keeping.

Author Archives: David Morrison

A Parable of Community


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Who Are the Ruined?

“The Ruined” are those countless ones throughout the ages who have encountered the presence of the living God to such an extent that they are “ruined” for the things of this world. They can never return for any extended time to what was formerly known as “normal life.”

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Forgiving Reality

Here’s a great reflection from Richard Rohr: Forgiveness of Reality: Daily Meditation from Richard Rohr…

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The Prayer of the Heart

It seems there is a dialogue in the New Testament surrounding spiritual formation in becoming Christlike. One voice urges the follower to emulate Christ’s footsteps and virtues through willful discipline, while the other voice advocates that it’s the reality of the indwelling Spirit that forms Christ within us. In other words, we don’t become someone else: we become the child of God we’ve always been, “before the creation of the world.”

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Real Friendship

“Real friendship or love is not manufactured or achieved by an act of will or intention. Friendship is always an act of recognition.” – John O’Donohue,  from Anam Cara: A […]…

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An Offensive Mercy

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A Franciscan Blessing

A dangerous prayer and sentiment, but absolutely necessary for the spiritual journey, for intellectual honesty, and most of all–to becoming authentic people:   -A Franciscan Benediction May God bless you […]…

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The Widow and the Judge

The Widow and the Judge: A Reflection by David Morrison Gospel Reading: Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. He […]…

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Sky and Land

Out here at Desert Rain, we have a view of a desert landscape that haunts you with the ancient and the mysterious. When that sense of wonder fades in the […]…

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