I've lived here at the community with Marsha, my wife, since its founding in 2003. I serve in various ways from pastoral care to landscape maintenance; from coffee brewing to bar keeping.

Author Archives: David Morrison

Advent 2013

“Many people have difficulty with the holidays because of the stress caused by commercialism. Some resign themselves helplessly to the consumer chaos while others hold out to the bitter end and refuse to participate in any way, making themselves “Christian Scrooges,” if you will. Thankfully, the ancient church gives us an alternative to this duality–the season of Advent.”

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Jesus is Still “Ghetto”

On the cross, we see an immense miracle—the death of God. As long as we refuse to follow Christ into this humility and forgiveness, our world’s history will be violent, and our personal stories will be identities defined by conflict and opposition.

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Philippines Relief

Our prayers go out in solidarity with the people of the Philippines. Donations for relief work are tangible prayers. We’ve known the people at Mercy In Action for many years, […]…

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When Our Personal Temples Lie in Ruins

In the Christian tradition, Jesus is seen as the summary of every imaginable image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), and at the crucifixion, this ultimate image of the unseen passes away in death. At the resurrection, it’s interesting that the image or appearance of Jesus is fluid and continuously shifting.

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Living the Resurrection Now

The “age of the resurrection” is one that completely dissolves the false image of a God that uses a “blessing and curse system” in which certain people are “blessed” because they have received children, prosperity, health, etc. while others are arbitrarily left out of that blessing or even cursed with tragedy.

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Glimpses Around the Community

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When the Soul Becomes the Entire Vineyard

As long as one remains exclusively in his or her “group,” he or she will never grow past the tenets of the tribe’s echo chamber. The call of Jesus challenges us to leave the neighborhood of our patriotism, religious affiliation, and family loyalties, and go outward to what’s unfamiliar and uncomfortable: “following Jesus outside the camp, bearing His reproach” (Hebrews 13:13).

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For Those Who Walked With Us

Great reflection and artwork for All-Souls Day: The Painted Prayerbook: Jan Richardson…

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Considering a Retreat with Desert Rain?

The desert is a most peculiar place to encounter God. It was in the desert wilderness in which Yahweh led Israel to the promised land with bridal affection. It was […]…

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