I've lived here at the community with Marsha, my wife, since its founding in 2003. I serve in various ways from pastoral care to landscape maintenance; from coffee brewing to bar keeping.

Author Archives: David Morrison

Everyone Else’s Self-Delusions

“The very fact that I can see the illusions others wear is a sheer sign that my own fallacies are even more flagrant.”

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About Us

Our Vision, Mission, and Contact Information

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The Beholding Eye

“Simply sitting in the silence of prayer, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our constant thinking into unceasing prayer, awakens our perception to what God is being and doing in our world. It awakens a deep, transforming love in our beings.”

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Honoring the Ordinary

“After their astrological prognostication and perilous journey, they arrive at the house of a poor and seemingly insignificant Jewish family and proceed to prostrate themselves in front of a drooling toddler, presenting him with kingly gifts. It’s almost a comical scene.”

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Epiphany 2014

“Epiphany” means “to show,” or “to reveal.” This season (which completes the themes of Advent and Christmas) invites us to enter into the mystery of the early ministry of Jesus as he is “revealed” to be the Son of God throughout the gospels.

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