“It’s at the desert well where humanity fills the human need of the divine and the divine meets the eternal need of the human. It’s a symbiotic and synergistic relationship…”

“It’s at the desert well where humanity fills the human need of the divine and the divine meets the eternal need of the human. It’s a symbiotic and synergistic relationship…”
“If we are truly surrendered, we will never be aware of our own efforts to remain surrendered. Our entire life will be consumed with the One to whom we surrender.” (Oswald Chambers)
“We journey in the Spirit with Jesus in His wilderness temptation, His transfiguration, His rejection by the chief priests, His suffering, crucifixion, and burial. As we enter into the spiritual realities of these ever present events in the earthly life of Christ, we experience a profound depth of implosive and explosive joy at His resurrection from the dead.”