About: David Morrison
Author Archives: David Morrison

Kingdomtide 2024
“Kingdomtide invites us to allow that inner courage to become activated in our world today: seeking justice for the oppressed, reconciliation of races and cultures, and speaking truth to power…”
For more, check out https://www.dreamwalkerway.com/
Richard Rohr offers some insight into the Trinity:


In this season, we contemplate the Holy Spirit’s invitation to make us His disciples. It is He who not only fills us with power for the sake of proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom, but it is also He who engages us with the divine and intimate conversation between the Father and the Son.

St. Brendan’s Day
“If you become Christ’s, you will stumble upon wonder upon wonder, and every one of them true.” –St. Brendan
For more, check out https://www.dreamwalkerway.com/
For more, check out https://www.dreamwalkerway.com/