We’re gonna do it! After several years of preparation, trials, and brainstorming, we think we are ready to launch “monkdrums.com”.
What is monk drums you might ask? Good question!
The goal of “Monk Drums” is to provide “work worth doing” in the community, that can provide a “fair wage” for the crafts people and an easy entry for community guests to participate with us as we live our lives. Many times, guests to the community enjoy praying with us during our service times, but wish they could participate with us more during the work days. Some visitors have participated in our programming businesses, but now we’ll have an option for folks who would like to participate in a more craft oriented trade.
The drums and flutes are all hand crafted, and each drum has a story. The story will include where the materials are from, who was involved in crafting it and perhaps part of their story as well. Each instrument represents the slower, more deliberate life. The journey is as important as the destination. Can I also mention that these drums and flutes sound AWESOME! 😉
More information to come, as we get things up, but here are some sneak-peaks at a few of the instruments Jacob was working on this week.
Don’t give up! May God once again…Bless Your Socks off!!! I love you!