The Little Promises of Spring
“We don’t have to go far to find the treasure we are seeking. There is beauty and goodness right were we are. And only when we can see the beauty and goodness that are close by can we recognize beauty and goodness on our travels far and wide…“ -Henri J.M. Nouwen

Luminous Windows
“And so when the window of the soul becomes illumined with God’s presence, it’s good to bask in it as we would in our own homes as the morning sun streams through the windows. It’s good to sit in silence for a bit, and then to “rise, and not be afraid” of whatever befalls us the rest of the day: whether the events turn out to be terrible, spectacular, or mundane.”

Trauma and Transformation
“The spiritual journey begins when we’re no longer driving away from the desert, but being “led by the Spirit” into it. For some, this initiation comes as a slight stirring in the heart, and for others, it arrives in the form of a complete overturning of life circumstances.”
Lent: The Blessing Way

These Ashes We Must Wear
“The ashes call us to return to our origin and look forward to our destiny: the dust of the earth…”

“We journey in the Spirit with Jesus in His wilderness temptation, His transfiguration, His rejection by the chief priests, His suffering, crucifixion, and burial. As we enter into the spiritual realities of these ever present events in the earthly life of Christ, we experience a profound depth of implosive and explosive joy at His resurrection from the dead.”